We’re all scared of change.
It’s uncomfortable.
We’re even more scared of public humiliation.
Combine the two and it’s objectively an all-around horror story.
However, I am of the view that putting yourself out there and opening yourself up to change or public perception can be one of the most valuable things you can ever do.
Starting a YouTube channel, writing content online, or sending that cold email to an investor/founder that you’ve always wanted to work with.
These things are massive asymmetrical risk to reward bets that if done right, can singlehandedly change your life forever.
Let me break down the 5 top reasons for why you should start putting yourself out there, now.
One, it forces you to be on top of your game.
As humans, we are sometimes our hardest judge but most of the time, we passively go through life and don’t really think through the gradual details of the things we’re involved in.
When you are putting yourself out there, you are now involving the opinions of others.
This is a psychological hack to make sure you’re honing your craft, because if you haven’t noticed, humans care a heck of a lot more about other peoples opinions than our own.
Two, it’s the best way to meet people.
Since I started sending cold emails and writing content online, I’ve met an insane group of individuals that I can now count on for help or mentorship.
I’ve literally gotten job offers off some of those connections, all because I took a chance on myself and my knowledge and decided to put stuff out there.
Three, the risk to reward is massively asymmetric.
What’s the worst thing that can happen if you decide to send a cold email? You don’t get a response? Think about it, that’s literally the WORST case scenario.
The best case is you might get a lifelong friend or a job offer from your dream company.
Fourth, writing something or producing content in general is an amazing creative experience where you can get out your thoughts and express yourself.
It’s simply amazing to be a creator (in the things that you really enjoy) because it’s so intellectually stimulating.
You are creating something entirely new (of value) and sharing it with the world.
Even something as small as a cold email is nothing short of an art.
Fifth, why not? I can’t think of one good reason why a person shouldn’t put themselves out there.
There are unlimited needs to be filled in the world and YOU can be one to fill them up.
Don’t ever reject yourself without first trying so if you haven’t already, just get started on putting yourself out there this instant.
You can thank me later :)