Most of my day consists of the same habits and systems that I set up previously.
Activities such as writing, reading, meditating, programming, trading, or cooking are things that I do on a daily basis but vary in their processes daily to keep everything fresh and entertaining.
I’ve found that having these different but same activities repeatedly and doing them even when you don’t want to, you will reap massive gains across your life time.
For example, if you just start the habit of programming every day from this day forward.
As small as that sounds, one day you will eventually build a product that maybe millions of people can use.
Likewise, with writing.
If I write just one blog post per day, eventually one day I’ll maybe come across a thought that no one has ever had before and I can turn that into a book that maybe millions of people can read.
The same thing goes with every other activity on that list.
The key is to keep at it every day, no matter what.
Then the exponential and compounding nature of these habits can yield absolutely ridiculous results.
One of my favorite Ted Talks is by a hedge fund manager Stephen Duneier where he talks about the power of making just marginal changes to our habits and how these changes can add up to amazing outcomes in the long run.
As a hedge fund manager, Stephen likely did not have much free time to begin with.
But he started with taking language lessons in his car ride to work instead of listening to the same music, and ended up learning the entire language of german in about 9 months.
Likewise, he made many other seemingly small changes across his life and ended up being the Guinness world record of yarn bombing as well as several other impressive things like learning how to fly a plane.
Start with making tiny habits and focus on committing for the long-term to watch your entire life become an exciting experiment!