Being Happy is a Superpower

February 25, 2023

Happiness as a conscious choice

Being happy is a choice.

There are an infinite amount of external problems at any instant.

Focusing on strictly the problems is enough to sap away all peace in life.

Money, power, and fame beyond the sense of comfort does not provide any peace either.

The result is that you must define strictly for yourself what makes you peaceful.

Define the things that are not quantifiable.

Things like the relationships with your friends and family, the passion you have for your work, what gets you excited.

I am still on my own journey in this regard and there are many other better places to learn about how you can choose to be happy than here.

Thats why I want to focus on why being happy is so important - why it’s a superpower.

A quick note: I’m referring to happiness as internal peace.

When you do not desire anything from the external world and you are content with the moments in your life as they are.

One, it’ll attract the best people around you.

We humans are sociable creatures.

We love to form the right communities and been the right circles.

Being happy will ensure that other people are attracted to your positive presence.

Then, you can form circles based on what characteristics and virtues hold the most value to you.

Second, being happy means that you internally understand that you are in control of your circumstances.

Even if you believe in outside forces like God or destiny, I have found from personal experience that thinking you have full control over your life (even if you don’t), is truly empowering like nothing else.

Likewise, making happiness your priority and understanding that you are always in control of whether you are happy or not - think about how amazing that is.

Third, and most importantly, being happy is what makes life worth living.

I urge you to ask yourself the tough questions like why you were born and why you want to live.

The questions are the important part because they spark the true introspective learning.

You want to really understand what’s going on in your mind - don’t fray away from it.

One of the things I’ve learned from my own meditation practices is that I want to be happy and peaceful in my life.

I don’t know if I’ll be here a few hours from now and you don’t know if you will be either.

Moreover, most of the problems I think I have in my life are absolutely futile.

I’m fortunate enough to have the basic necessities like food, water, shelter, clothing, and internet.

That’s all I’ll ever need.

As a result, I don’t take myself too seriously and I absolutely never take my problems too seriously.

For me, being happy is where I always to be - it’s my superpower.

I’d suggest you also take a look into it.