Most people miss the natural intellectual curiosity they had when they were children.
Somewhere along the way we stopped asking questions, starting believing assumptions from the start, and crafted lives that were not true to who we are.
A bigger problem than losing the curiosity in my view, is the problem that we start losing our agency.
When we’re kids, we go to great lengths just to prove a hypothesis to ourselves or to just to take action in general.
When we grow older, however, more often than not we start to lose that accountability that we once had and excuses become our go-to.
There’s just not enough time, or there’s too many responsibilities, or anything else.
Excuses are sly at first, they’ll build up without you realizing but eventually you’ll start creating bullshit reasons not to do anything important in your life.
The scary thing is the most important things in our life often don’t have deadlines and they’re open-ended.
So when your brain was developed all throughout school to just focus on deadlines and getting things done on time, you’re getting hardwired to give less importance to tasks that do not have deadlines.
Taking agency, not making excuses, and letting go of the reasons of why you can’t do something; that’s the first step in achieving anything great.
Think about it.
Most of life just goes by when we tell ourselves we can’t do something.
Forget that, focus on making a drastic change in your life right now.
Become that type of person you’ve always wanted to become.
Once you start believing that your actions and your actions only dictate the future of any outcome (whether they do or not), that feeling is truly empowering that you’ll be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to.
Whether it be fate/destiny or astrology or anything else, the excuses are all the same.
You’re telling yourself that what happens to you is out of your control.
Now, I don’t know if they are or not, but I sure as hell don’t want to go through life thinking that my actions do not matter.
That regardless of what I do in this moment, the future will be the same.
That type of avoidance-based thinking just ruins the whole point of life in my opinion.
The best things in life come after you’ve taken action, once you put yourself out there, take accountability, and start questioning assumptions.